Coaching for All Seasons


Our lives, like nature, cycle through seasons. And while we may have a favorite, none is inherently better or worse than another. Each one has unique purpose and meaning in the greater story of creation. Coaching conversations invite you to embrace both the challenges and possibilities of whatever season of life you are in. And when you’re ready, coaching can help you make the transition from one season to another.


Autumn is a season of colorful change. You are energized by cooler temperatures and the return to greater structure. As the squirrels gather their acorns, you gather with your friends and families. In your own ways, you are both storing up the goodness you find. You have deep appreciation for the gifts you’ve received as well as the fruits of your own labor. Yet, you recognize that the days are growing shorter and the nights are getting colder. The bounty is not endless, and you risk missing out on the abundance of today as you anticipate the scarcity that may come in the next season.


Spring is the renewal of active life. Preparations are underway, fueled by faith in what will come. Bulbs, hidden by leaves and snow, send up their shoots. Trees adorn themselves once more, and birds build nests in their branches. You plant seeds, clean out closets, and daydream. A nudge, a tug, or a calling whispers to your imagination, and you allow yourself to listen. It’s an invitation to embark on a new adventure, full of unknown risk and reward. 


Winter is a time for turning inward. The outer world is marked by baren trees and long stretches of darkness. Everything appears to be dead and wasting away. Inside, you may feel lonely and isolated as people pass each other quickly, not lingering to say hello. And yet, you notice that even the smallest points of light can pierce the darkness. Winter is a contemplative season, inviting you to take shelter and rest. In hidden places, underground and in your heart, life is preparing to begin anew.



Summer days are long and filled with activity. Abundant sunlight makes schedules flexible and fluid. Everyone is out and ready to share their time and space. With so much daylight, energy and possibility seem endless. Somehow, though, without knowing when it happened, every minute may become filled with neither leisure nor purpose, but with busyness itself.  So much action leaves little time for rest, and too much sunlight can burn.