Many teachers feel called to the classroom because of a love for children or subject area. The open secret is that teaching is also loving parents, colleagues, and administrators; meetings, assessments, and class parties. Love of that scope comes from a higher power, but even when teachers turn to God in gratitude or lament, they may not have the words to express what they need in the moment. This Year, Lord: Teachers’ Prayers of Blessing, Liturgy, and Lament is a collection of prayers that emerged from two decades of teaching and working beside teachers. The book is divided into six sections.
Liturgies for Common Work are for the mundane, the ordinary, and the everyday. The section contains short prayers, meant to focus your mind for the work you must do and do again, such as grading papers or checking your email.
Blessings for Seasons are prayers for special events such as field trips and class parties, as well as significant undertakings such as standardized testing.
Prayers for Entering the Classroom recognize that we teach who we are. These prayers will guide you as you cross the threshold between the world at large and the work of the classroom.
Prayers for the Community give voice to the need to love your neighbors and provide the words to pray for students, parents, and colleagues.
Prayers of Lament provide solace on the days that leave you frustrated, angry, and despairing. They are honest about the brokenness of the world and the work, and yet proclaim God’s ultimate sovereignty.
Breath Prayers can be said in a moment. They can be easily memorized and on your lips when leading your class down the hall, during announcements, or in a fleeting moment of silence.
“This book truly blessed my soul. Sheila has thought of beautiful details in a teacher’s day and provided a humble way to petition our all-knowing God. As I read, I felt as if she took the words out of my heart that I could not compose with my lips. Teaching is quite challenging, and I am convinced that these prayers will be a blessing to so many who are called to do this great work!”
“I read this beautiful book recalling my own time in the classroom, wishing it would have been available for me in those years. You can be sure that I will make sure my teacher candidates will have this book as they leave us to enter their own classrooms. Such a gift!”
“The power of prayer transforms classrooms as it transforms our lives. Sheila’s heartfelt prayers serve as models for getting through the day-to-day work of educators. They remind us of the blessings of special events we celebrate with our students. They put words to the emotions that sometimes seem too heavy to bear. This book will equip educators with the most powerful tool available, the power of prayer.”