I recently completed a Wheel of Life online and a series of related reflections in connection with a coaching webinar. The Wheel of Life is intended to give you a visual of your life balance.
Ah, that holy grail.
Here’s the plot twist. Life balance isn’t the goal.
As I reflected on my color-coded image that resembles a deflated basketball, I wasn’t discouraged or disappointed. My Wheel of Life looks exactly like I’ve chosen for it to. My career, achievements and income are not full buckets right now.
I walked away from a tenure-track teaching position. I am not meeting my earning potential. I won’t achieve raising honorable adults for several more years.
But I’m playing a long game. I’ve chosen for my wheel to look deflated for now. The image is aligned with my core values which is why I’m not bitter or resentful of that I don’t have balance in my life.
My goal is alignment, not balance.