
I’ve shared before how important the rule of creation before consumption is for me. It’s been reinforced by the Bored and Brilliant Challenge. As I’ve avoided consumption more often, creativity has had a chance to germinate. TV is not my vice, but I love music, podcasts, and audiobooks, and I enjoy listening to the news. When I’m standing in line, I compulsively check the weather app on my phone (even as a kid, I frequently called the time and temp “lady” and kept tabs on the “local on the 8s” when we got cable). None of those things are bad habits. They’re not things I feel any need to give up.

For the past week, however, I’ve given myself more space without noise. I’ve driven with the radio off when I’m by myself, kept my phone in my purse when I’m in line, and tried to leave it on the table (without wearing my headphones) as I go about my day. I don’t think it’s an accident that I’ve been more productive and consistently hit my writing and teaching goals in the last two weeks.