Summer Days at Home

We’re not always out and about in the summer. I actually relish a good day at home. These are my summer at-home essentials.

  1. Chores: I know, it sounds like such a buzz-kill, but I swear it makes each day run better. The structure of having must-do, may-do lists sets the expectation for the kids that I am more than a summer party planner and they are more than entitled Nashville bridesmaids (no offense, I’m sure you’re all lovely). The list isn’t long, and it’s accompanied by loud music. They pick up whatever belongs to them throughout the house, clean their rooms, practice instruments, and run through math facts. If you subtract the resistance and bargaining, it totals about 45 minutes. I should mention that I also use this time to get my “chores” done.

  2. Cooking: In the summer, we’re all eating at home three times a day. Rather than looking at it as a misery, we try to have fun with it. My nine-year-old loves to cook, so breakfast and lunch are perfect times for him to practice easy things like scrambled eggs, grilled cheese sandwiches, and smoothies. Summer evenings are free from the time crunch of the school year, so I’m more generous about letting the three-year-old help, even though half the salad is going to land on the floor. I have a dream that in five years, both of my children will be competent in the kitchen. Summer is our training ground.

  3. Reading: Another dream of mine is that someday, I’ll be able to sit and read a novel uninterrupted. The best way to make this dream come true to is make sure my kids are readers. I don’t mean that they know how to read; I mean they love reading, can name favorite authors, illustrators, and series, and already know the next three books they plan to read. My nine-year-old is there. The three-year-old is, too, but for now we take turns reading all of those favorites to her.