Let it Grow


Back in the spring, I cleared space for what I pictured being a flower bed. I sprinkled packets of seed mixes to grow flowers that would attract pollinators and repel pests around my garden.

 A few days and some rainfall later, I realized I had a problem. I’m not familiar with the millions of weeds that grow in Middle Tennessee. Nor am I familiar with all of the flower varieties in the seed packets. I didn’t know what to keep and what to allow to grow.

It seemed my only choice was to let it all grow. 

So I did. 

Every now and then, I’d notice a thorned nuisance and there was a lot of grass to contend with, but mostly, I let everything grow. I’m sure a Tennessee native (or maybe anyone) would have wondered why I was taking such good care of a weed patch. Fair question.

But now, I have flowers blooming! And if you stand at just the right angle, it looks like I have a flower bed.

Today’s lesson from the garden: There are times when it’s right to let things go. You don’t have to know everything, and everything doesn’t have to be perfect for beauty to show up.