
Have you ever experienced synchronicity? Those times when the universe puts something in front of you so often you can't ignore it? 

I keep bumping into conversations, books, social media posts, and podcasts around the idea of hospitality. The topic always involves a bit of tension. Introverts vs. extroverts, openness vs. boundaries, entertaining vs. providing. 

One way of thinking about hospitality is through the lens of cultural. Certain norms are expected based on cultural heritage. Southern Hospitality, for example, might conjure images of a front porch, sweet tea, and gossip. In other cultures, hospitality means hours of planning and party preparation.

As I've thought about what hospitality means for me, I've realized that my version is modeled after my maternal grandmothers.  I'm calling it Pioneer Hospitality. It's often spontaneous, and it's guided by these general rules:

  1. Whatever I have, I'm happy to share. This includes my food, time, and attention.

  2. If you're capable, help yourself. No one has time/energy to make a fuss.

  3. If I show up at your door, same rules apply. I will bring something to share and I will not expect you to fuss over me.