But This is Life

. I ended the summer with a wonderful family vacation then was hit with the flu. (Who gets the flu in July?) Even as I recovered, it was back to school flurry and down to the wire with revisions of my debut novel, So Long as It’s Wonderful.


In the midst of other priorities and challenges, I neglected my poor garden.  I was too tired to work in the heat, too busy to pick, shell, and can beans or process tomatoes and peppers. I feel sick when I think of the fruit of my labor going to the birds, rabbits and squirrels. I’m embarrassed at the sight of the weeds, overgrown vines, and rotting produce.


But this is life.


There are times when the season outside doesn’t match the season we’re in personally. For the last two months my body has experienced illness, fatigue, and stress while the world outside is teeming with life and abundance.


Though it’s not my default setting, I’m learning to ask for help, to be kind to myself, and to accept the kindness of others. I’m a slow learner to be sure, but each round of the lesson gets me closer to wholeness with the people in my world.