
By the time my cucumbers stopped producing, I was so sick of making pickles, I enjoyed pulling up the vines, but I've put off cutting down the zinnias even though they're spotted and mildewy. I’m leaving my tomatoes in hopes that a few more will turn red before the plants give out completely

Eventually, I’ll have to let go of my summer garden. These plants are annuals; they’re meant to grow for a season and then die.

The soil needs a chance to recover. The seeds need time to dry out. I need rest, too.

Endings come. Sometimes we’re ready for them, but sometimes we let matters persist, even when they no longer produce good fruit. We don’t cut ties, holding out hope that the good might still come.

Do you need to let something die so that new life can be planted? Do you need to allow yourself rest or recovery? What’s no longer producing fruit in your life? As we enter another fall, consider what you might leave behind.